The Northern Department of Health (NCDOH)’s Change Management and Transformation (CMT) directorate conducted a team building session for their corporate services directorate this past week. For a successful team building session, a set of objectives were established at the start of the session, for this session social cohesion was the main focus, theCMT directorate believes that for a productive and successful corporate environment a united social behaviour is imperative.

The corporate services team showed great enthusiasm in the different activities that were arranged. These actives were different exercises designed to equip the team with skills to deal with social and workplace related difficulties such as self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
Team Building is a basic part of the Change Program Intervention (CPI) which is designed in a sustainable manner where frequent assessments are conducted post completion of the program in order to determine ongoing progress for an ultimate effect. The participants displayed great satisfaction and gratitude throughout the team building session.

CPI is not limited to a certain directorate but to service the entire NCDOH hence all facilities are encouraged to make use of this service which is supposed to boost the work ethics of employees and bear goodresults in productivity for better outputs. The session was facilitated by the (CMT) team.
The Change Management and Transformation (CMT) Directorate may be
contacted at 053 830 2100/112/134/135.

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