Constitutional Mandates
Section 27 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, provides for right of access to health care services, including reproductive health care.
The Department provides access to health care services, including reproductive health care by making sure that hospitals and clinics are built closer to communities and emergency vehicle are provided, promotion of primary health care, etc.
Legal Mandates
The legislative mandates are derived from the National Health Act, 61 of 2003.
Chapter 4
Section 25 provides for Provincial health services and general functions of provincial departments;
Section 26 provides for Establishment and composition of Provincial Health Council;
Section 27 provides for Functions of Provincial Health Council and
Section 28 provides for Provincial consultative bodies.
Chapter 5
Section 29 provides for the Establishment of district health system;
Section 30 provides for division of health districts into sub-districts;
Section 31 provides for establishment of district health councils;
Section 32 provides for health services to be provided by municipalities and
Section 33 provides for preparation of district health plans.
Policy Mandates
1. Basic Conditions of Employment (Act 75 0f 1975)
2. Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (Act 53 of 2003)
3. Child Care Amendment (Act 96 of 1996)
4. Choice on Termination of Pregnancy (Act 92 of 1996)
5. Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 106 of 1996)
6. Control of Access to Public Premise and Vehicles (Act 53 of 1985)
7. Convention of the Rights of the Child, 1997 (Chapters 5 and 7)
8. Division of Revenue (Act 7 of 2007)
9. Electronic Communication and Transaction (Act 25 of 2002)
10. Electronic Communications Security (Pty) Ltd (Act 68 of 2002)
11. Employment Equity (Act 55 of 1998)
12. Environment Conservation (Act 73 of 1989)
13. Fire-arms Control (Act 60 of 2000)
14. Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants (Act 54 of 1972)
15. Hazardous Substances Control (Act 15 of 1973)
16. Health Professions (Act 56 of 1974)
17. Higher Education (Act 101 of 1997)
18. Income Tax Act, 1962
19. Inquest (Act 58 of 1959)
20. Intimidation (Act 72 of 1982)
21. Labour Relations (Act 66 of 1995)
22. Maternal Death (Act 63 of 1977)
23. Medicine and Related Substance Control (Act 101 of 1965)
24. Mental Health Care (Act 17 of 2002)
25. National Building Regulations and Building Standards (Act 103 of 1997)
26. National Environmental Management (Act 107 of 1998)
27. National Health (Act 61 of 2003)
28. National Youth Commission Amendment (Act 19 of 2001)
29. Nursing (Act 33 of 2005)
30. Occupational Health and Safety (Act 85 of 1993)
31. Preferential Procurement Policy Framework (Act 5 of 2000)
32. Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities (Act 12 of 2004)
33. Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency (Act 20 of 1992)
34. Promotion of Access to Information (Act 2 of 2000)
35. Promotion of Administrative Justice (Act 3 of 2000)
36. Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination (Act 4 of 2000)
37. Protected Disclosures (Act 26 of 2000)
38. Protection of Information (Act 84 of 1982)
39. Public Finance Management (Act 1 of 1999 and Treasury Regulations)
40. Public Service (Act 103 of 1994 and regulations)
41. South African Qualifications Authority (Act 58 of 1995)
42. Sexual Offences (Act 32 of 2007)
43. Skills Development (Act 97 of 1998)
44. South African Schools Act, 1996
45. State Information Technology (Act 88 of 1998)
46. Sterilization (Act 44 of 2005)
47. The International Health Regulations (Act 28 of 1974)