Corporate Services

Programme 2: Corporate Services

The main purpose of this programme is to provide corporate support services to the Office of the Premier as well as coordination and management of the special national programmes.

Corporate support is made up of four sub programmmes:

Strategic Human Resource Management
The objective is to provide strategic direction, leadership and advice with respect to Human Resource Management within the Northern Cape Provincial Government.

The sub programme consists of five divisions:

  • Human Resource Administrtion
  • Human Resource Development
  • Labour Relations
  • Efficiency Services
  • Employee Health and Wellness Programme

The role of this unit is to manage and promte the Northern Cape Provincial Government's corporate idntity, provide professional media services, ensure accessibilty of government to the media and the public, develop and implement government communication strategies and promote development communication at all levels. This unit is responsible for the effective management of communication in the Northern Cape Provincial Government.

Information Technology
The strategic objectives supporting this unit are: Developing innovative and unque strategies to deliver on the unit's transversal and oversight role in relation to other IT units in the Provincial Government. Developing Information Technology policy and standards onbehalf of and with other provincial IT units. Developing a road map for the Thusong Centres implementation through interaction with District and Local Munciplalities which will more clearly define roles and responsibilities in the Thusong programme.

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Department Name Building
Department Name Street 
Private Bag XXXX

Contact Details

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053 830 2100
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